Florian Sorko


Projects by Florian Sorko

Table of contents

Youtube video-syncer

Syncs youtube videos between 2 computers via text files.

Sync MPV watch-later files

Syncs ~/.config/mpv/watch_later or ~/.local/state/mpv/watch_later directories between 2 computers. Uses functionality found in video-syncer and report-videos.sh

Local podcast publisher

local podcast publisher
Makes Podcasts available/downloadable on the local network.
Particularly useful if no-one officially published it to a podcasting platform.

Note: it uses the following ffprobe and ffmpeg helpers:

Arch Linux VM like at HOME on Mac OS

Installs all packages I have on my physical Arch Linux install.
The docker container approach is slow and some environment variables are messed up, thus I switched to this approach.
full-fledged Arch Linux Lima VM config
How I template the jinja config before starting the vm

Arch Linux Docker Container like at HOME on Mac OS

Installs all packages I have on my physical Arch Linux install.
check here

Vim plugins

Mini projects

github gists

Kubectl Completion Patching

What does it do?

It allows you to add completions for custom written kubectl plugins, krew plugins and you can even modify how things like namespaces are completed.
Lattermost I use to cache namespaces if the $KUBECONFIG is unmodified. This way if I hit <TAB> after -n I receive suggestions without delay.

For more details click