Florian Sorko


Extend kubectl bash completions/extend oc bash completions

e.g. add bash completions for krew plugins

Table of contents

What does this do?

Includes krew plugins and my own kubectl plugins in root command completion. It also provides custom completion for my own kubectl plugins.


additional root commands in completion

$ oc
adm              auth             convert          diff             extract          label            new-project      port-forward     replace          scale            tag
annotate         autoscale        cp               edit             get              login            observe          process          rollback         secrets          version
api-resources    cancel-build     create           ex               idle             logout           options          project          rollout          serviceaccounts  wait
api-versions     cluster-info     debug            exec             image            logs             patch            projects         rsh              set              whoami
apply            completion       delete           explain          import-image     new-app          plugin           proxy            rsync            start-build
attach           config           describe         expose           kustomize        new-build        policy           registry         run              status
$ oc
adm                                  delete                               kustomize                            policy                               serviceaccounts
af-arbitrary-command                 delete-namespace-finalizer           label                                port-forward                         set
annotate                             describe                             login                                process                              sick-pods
api-resources                        diff                                 logout                               project                              start-build
api-versions                         edit                                 logs                                 projects                             status
apply                                ex                                   modify-secret                        proxy                                tag
attach                               exec                                 neat                                 rbac-lookup                          tmux-exec
auth                                 explain                              new-app                              registry                             topology
autoscale                            expose                               new-build                            replace                              ttsum
cancel-build                         extract                              new-project                          restart-af-services                  velero-annotate-all-volumes-for-pod
cluster-info                         fields                               node-shell                           rollback                             version
completion                           get                                  non-running-nodes                    rollout                              view-secret
config                               get-all-resources                    non-running-pods                     rsh                                  wait
convert                              idle                                 observe                              rsync                                warp
cp                                   image                                options                              run                                  watch-namespace
create                               images                               patch                                scale                                who-can
debug                                import-image                         plugin                               secrets                              whoami

plugin commands option completion

# yes I filtered which namespaces to display for this example

$ kubectl watch-namespace -n
openshift                          openshift-metrics-server
openshift-console                  openshift-node
openshift-infra                    openshift-template-service-broker
openshift-local-storage            openshift-web-console

Where to find

by Florian Sorko