Website to epub

Install paperoni via cargo

Check Paperoni for installation instructions.

run paperoni

  • Single file
$ paperoni -o /tmp ''
Downloading article to /tmp
  [00:00:00] ████████████████████████████████████████  link 1/1       Downloaded articles
  [00:00:00] ████████████████████████████████████████  epub 1/1       Generated epubs

Article downloaded successfully
                   Downloaded articles
 Spying on a Ruby process's memory allocations with eBPF
  • Batch file
paperoni -o <output-dir> -f <file-containing-links>
$ paperoni -o /tmp/paperoni-out/ -f /tmp/links.txt
Downloading articles to /tmp/paperoni-out/
  [00:00:01] ████████████████████████████████████████  link 2/2       Downloaded articles
  [00:00:00] ████████████████████████████████████████  epub 2/2       Generated epubs

All articles downloaded successfully
                                                  Downloaded articles
 Lorem ipsum