Vim Substitutions

placeholder for find pattern

"Vim needs a more POSIX compatible shell than fish for certain functionality to "work, such as :%!, compressed help pages and many third-party addons. If you "use fish as your login shell or launch Vim from fish, you need to set shell "to something else in your ~/.vimrc, for example:

:1,4s/.*/(&)/ ("Vim needs a more POSIX compatible shell than fish for certain functionality to) ("work, such as :%!, compressed help pages and many third-party addons. If you) ("use fish as your login shell or launch Vim from fish, you need to set shell) ("to something else in your ~/.vimrc, for example:)

Change case

That or this :s/([^ ]+)( [^ ]+ )([^ ]+)/\u\3\2\l\1/

This or that

  • \l and \u change the first letter
  • \U or \L change everything until EOL or \E

subsitute four characters