
Disable strict host checking

  • command line options
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null  ...
  • ssh config options
Host somehost
  HostName localhost
  User ...
  Port ...
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  IdentityFile ...

ssh jump through bastion host first

ssh <user>@<ip address> -J <jump host ip>

More in the gentoo wiki

ssh local port forward

Forward connections on IP to localhost via the host localhost via port 60906 (this is actually the lima vm). Why? --> expose container in lima vm to local network of Mac.

ssh -p 60906 -NT -L  localhost

ssh dynamic port forward | ssh socks5 proxy

# -D ... dynamic
# -T ... no pseudo terminal allocation
# -N ... do not execute remote command (just forward ports)
# -f ... in background
ssh -D 5555 -TN <ip-or-hostname> -f