Bit Twiddling

Flip Endianness - convert little endian to big endian

This examples assumes a hex address, hence =16

In radare:

[0x5632901196b0]> !rax2 =16 -e 0xd0066fda4e560000

In your shell:

rax2 =16 -e 0xd0066fda4e560000

change bases

base 16 to base 10 - hex to decimal

$ rax2 30

base 10 to base 16 - decimal to hex

$ rax2 =10 0x1e

NOTE: =xx uses rax2's forced output mode.

From the man page:

         =f    floating point
         =2    binary
         =3    ternary
         =8    octal
         =10   decimal
         =16   hexadecimal

NOTE: rax2 can also convert from a binary string to a number or hex string to character an vice versa.