
prune folders and subfolders/do not show folders and subfolders

$ find "$HOME/Movies/" -path "$HOME/Movies/watched/*" -prune -o -path "$HOME/Movies/audio-only/*" -o -path "$HOME/Movies/TV" -prune -o -type f -print | grep -E 'watched|TV|audio-only'  # 2023-07-25
/Users/florian.sorko/Movies/Maybe at some Point/totalbiscuit/Legacy of the Void/TB plays Protoss in LOTV - Daily Adept Nerfathon (October 11, 2015).mp4

any of the given filenames

find  \( -name .envrc -o -name .custom-envrc \) ...

find ~/ -type f ! -executable \( -name '*vaultfile' -o -name '*ansible*vault'  \) -exec sh -c 'bat "$0"' {} \;

multiple directories

find <dir1> <dir2> ...

sort by size & filter file-extensions

find . -path ./.git -prune -o -type f -exec sh -c 'ls -s "$0"' {} \; | sort -n -r | grep -vE 'png|html|svg|jpg|pptx|pdf|xcf|zip'

sort by last modified

find slides/out -printf "%T@ %Tc %p\n" 2>&1 | sort -n | grep html | cut -d ' ' -f7

Find images by creation date

Use exiftool instead of find -newer ... -! o newer ...

exiftool -r -if '$CreateDate =~ /^2024:06:15 14:04/' -filename -createdate 2024-07-*