Container or Linux VM video and audio playback

XQuartz and pulseaudio need to be installed and running. I assume you already started XQuartz. For XQuartz be sure to set Authenticate connections in the Security Tab, then run xhost + <local-ip> to allow connections from interface en0.

Articles I based this on:

If you experience poor video and audio performance:

Test video

Run on Mac

$ local-ip  # interface en0

Run in Container or VM

$ ls -alh /tmp/.X11-unix/
total 4.0K
drwxrwxrwt  1 root root  96 Jul  6 00:29 .
drwxrwxrwt 11 root root 280 Jul  6 00:22 ..
srwxrwxrwx  1 lima root   0 Jul  6 00:29 X2
$ export DISPLAY=  # lima vm, second monitor as this dir contains `X2`

# check if a new XQuartz window appears
$ zathura

Use video and audio

Run on Mac

$ pulseaudio --load=module-native-protocol-tcp --exit-idle-time=500 --daemon
$ pulseaudio --check -v
..Daemon running..
$ local-ip # interface en0

Run in Container or VM

be sure to do the previous step

$ export PULSE_SERVER=

# check for audio and video device errors
$ vlc